How to Change Fonts in Internet Explorer® 11 on Windows® 8.1



Font and icon size suddenly changed including sidebar and IE ...

1. Click the Start button and open the Control Panel. Click Folder Options. Choose Show Hidden Folders options and click OK..

Font Awesome Icons in RoboHelp - Adobe Community

I'm looking for a way in RoboHelp 2015 to also be able to do this. When choosing Insert > Symbol, I'd like to be able to see the list of FontAwesome icons.

Font icons don't show in IE 11

If your icon fonts (e.g. FontAwesome) don't display in Internet Explorer, you can probably fix this by installing this little helper plugin: ...

Internet-explorer Icon

We've cooked up some examples of how you could use the “internet-explorer” icon in your projects, whether they're apps, interfaces, or print designs.

Icon not display in some IE 11 with font awesome 4.7 #10389

I have a problem that some people IE 11 cannot see the icons properly. Even we using the same version of IE 11 build, but the icons ...

IE11 not showing font awesome icons · Issue #8825

In some versions of IE11, the font-awesome icons are not showing up. I cannot see them on font awesomes website either.

Icon fonts not loading in IE11

We're using icomoon for our icon fonts, and they work fine in Chrome and Firefox, but won't display in IE11... Sometimes. It seems to work on the first page load.

font awesome icon is not appearing in IE 11, but showing in other ...

I have added font awesome icon just before the search link (as per below screenshot), I can see this icon in all the browsers except IE 11.

How To Use And Embed An Icon Font On Your Website

Below are steps to embed and use icon fonts on your very own website. Note that Icon fonts do not work in some Windows mobile browsers.


1.ClicktheStartbuttonandopentheControlPanel.ClickFolderOptions.ChooseShowHiddenFoldersoptionsandclickOK..,I'mlookingforawayinRoboHelp2015toalsobeabletodothis.WhenchoosingInsert>Symbol,I'dliketobeabletoseethelistofFontAwesomeicons.,Ifyouriconfonts(e.g.FontAwesome)don'tdisplayinInternetExplorer,youcanprobablyfixthisbyinstallingthislittlehelperplugin: ...,We'vecookedupsomeexamplesofhowyoucould...